Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 46 5:02PM

I've gathered from various sources that this Blog reads as exceedingly negative at times. This is not my intent; it is simply that my New York sarcasm and jackassedness doesn't translate to the written word as well. Trust me, I am only this bitter like 31% of the time. So, in order to change the tone of the blog I am going to take a moment to list some of the pluses of being Termed Into Oblivion:

  • Hitting the gym mid-day means I get to work out with the Manhattan's resident "dancers"
  • Lazy River Sundays with no fear for Monday remorse
  • I can finally go to Spy On Vegas happy hours
  • I figured out how to do bullet points on Blogger
  • I get to hit Callaway before the post-work rush
  • No more Monday IT meetings and the inevitable uncomfortableness when their team gets belittled yet again
  • Nobody is on the XBox when I go to Target
  • I've embraced the comedy potential of Twitter (350Park)
  • Nobody is telling me to "own the program" despite their inability to tell me what that means
  • I get sunlight on a daily basis
  • I was able to follow the Michael Jackson saga as it unfolded re-time
  • No more Team Member Dining means no more 700 calorie cookies and arbitrary French Fry consumption
  • They weren't able to lay me off during yesterday's round

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